God help me when I'm "staying by the stuff "and it doesn't seem to be enough help me to remember...some plant, some water, some harvest, but God is in it all He's in the big and in the small...So basketball which I am so truly grateful for my kids playing this year and a sweet grandbaby living here have filled up every spare crack of time in my life and I was faced again with a two sink and overflowing load of dishes I was about to tackle, when the AROMA of something stinking from the dog kennel assaulted me. And I am not sure that the word aroma is appropriate for this! Gasp!
WHAT! DID! SHE! EAT!??? I am so careful to give her dog food only but she has been sneaky sometimes and I have caught her with tin cans from garbage bins and horse manure from the field. Its the gross kind of smell that fills your mouth too. Nope no kids home to deal with this. They would probably throw up anyway adding to the mess...I was simply trying to ready my self to take it out. I had just gotten my hair washed, a bath after running the kids to school, payed a bill and was getting ready to do toddler care for the next shift. Does this seep into pores I wonder?
These are the kind of days that I put order back into. Its not as prestigious as my office job could be if I worked it full time or in fact that my husbands is as he meets the public everyday and takes care of helping people save money and get their lives back on track. But what I do is incredibly important. It helps produce sanity and sound lives. A place to call home for my family. A place they want to unwind in and refuel before heading out again. It just doesn't get a title like my yahoo signature proclaiming I am Senior Life and Health Agent, Property and Casualty- Angel Auto Insurance. Which I am. But that is truly a fraction of what or who I am.
And these are the events in a day that don't get put on my things to do today list but consume a fairly large block of time to clean up. I remember reading about a young mom who is likely my age now whose husband would ask her (as mine will) what did you do today? Note that is not necessarily a criticism from husbands but hearing with female ears makes it sound that way.
One day she only did what needed to be done to keep the kids fed and from hurting themselves. Her husband came home to a home in shambles. Toilet paper strewn across the floor, food messes, toys, dishes, clothes ect. When he asked her what happened she looked at him and said "You wanted to know what I do all day. I keep this from happening." I am not advocating this at home ok? But I have to admit the story stuck with me.
Takes only moments to dismantle a room and carpet it with toys and clothes and blankets and so much longer to teach picking up (while singing the Clean Up song of course). This is the reason I love having a closet that is put in order. I can go open the door, see a space chaos free and a sense of peace fills me. Is that pathetic or do you have something like that in your life too?
When God spoke and created order out of things that were formless and void He called it good. I understand that in my own corner of the world that needs order created time and again. It is such a sense of satisfaction. Bless you as you go about your day creating order in whatever sphere you are in- home, job or school. You are His partner.