What would life be like if I gave my husband a compliment a day? Every day. You know, looked for the good. Not default to the things that I might dwell on due to my tendency to get offended or just irritated and hide myself away, snapping and snarling at him if he comes close to my hide away. Or putting an Ice Wall up to further prevent communication. I don't think I am as bad as all that sounds, at least not for the most part.
Oh, not that the sinful nature of me might not bring it to the brink and if not for the grace of God manifest itself at times...But do I tend to dwell on the negative. I am kind of that way. Except not so much in any relationship but my marriage. Hmmmm. Why would I be gracious and encouraging to those who have not invested so many years of their life in mine, then not give that much and more to one who has? Even if I don't like everything that has transpired in our entire history together.
Why am I keeping a record of wrongs? Who ever gave me that right? And gosh do I want someone keeping a record of MINE to quickly page through and find the appropriate thing to hold a magnifying glass over to remind me of? Why no, I do not.
Just what would happen if I take the challenge I am challenging us all with now? I am about to find out and in less than 30 days (because this is the short month...the one that brings the bill cycle around more quickly than the others but I guess also the pay check)
So lets do this thing! Are you on board? If you are not married, what about complimenting your kids, or co-worker or parent. You get it. I will check in with you and you check in with me and see how we are doing. We are slipping on our walking in love shoes this month and truly one size does fit all. Remember one deliberate compliment a day starting today. Let's get started...