My list isn't a "naughty or nice" list. Mine is the "Things To Do" to be ready for Christmas and family and events happening this week and next. And I will tell you I already have 4 lists written since this morning. Some are pretty lengthy. They will also be checked many more times than twice. Can anyone relate?
Mine are not this advanced. They are on lined notebook paper torn out of a spiral binder.
My lists have lists...
I wonder if God has lists. I think in a way He does. His word talks about things that happen in the "fullness of time". Seems to me that means certain things have to happen or be finished first before the time is full. You know, those prophetic words telling a Savior would be coming and what to be looking for, for example.
But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah
Though you are little among the thousand of Judah,
Yet out of you shall come forth to Me
The One to be Ruler in Israel,
Whose goings forth are from of old,
From everlasting.
Micah 5:2
There are well over 50 scriptures telling of Jesus' first coming, some of those speaking of Him being born of a virgin and, as the above states, in Bethlehem. And why He was coming.
He certainly came in a dark time, to a dark place, to be the light of the world. A harsh, jealous, perverse king was in rule commanding people to return at their own inconvenience to the place of their family origin so he could better tax them for his own gain. Ordering the slaughter of all male babies age 2 and under. Can you imagine the terror of the time? Yes a crazy time, under a crazy king.
People were looking and longing for the Savior to come well before God sent forth His son. WE have our time table and God has HIS prophetic time table. Why would it be wrong for Jesus to come before He did? I don't know. But I do know if I do not cook the roast for Italian Beef long enough, it is not going to be fall apart tender. If I do not add the right spices at the right time, it just doesn't taste as good either. It needs the fullness of time.
Many cry out against God for things that are mans own inhumanity to man. Or even satan's orchestrating his steal, kill and destroy strategies and whispering lies about it being God we should blame. People prone to leaning to their own understanding, tend to believe these lies and then speak them loudly against the One who IS LOVE and loves so much He GAVE His own perfect son into the dark world to become it's Savior. If anything, we live in a day when it should be pretty apparent we need the Savior.
God has given the world into the hands of people. People who have opportunity to choose what to do with the gifts He has given us collectively and individually. He does not leave us as orphans however. As He says...He sends His Spirit to live in us to comfort, teach us truth, empower us, to live through us if we will receive Him.
In the fullness of time Jesus Himself will be returning and not as a baby. The cup is looking pretty full to me, but then God knows the fullness of time. Until then let's live ready. Let's live understanding why the baby was born in a manger that Christmas night. Why it was declared by angels, shepherds, wise men, prophets to be a birth like no other...Let's each choose Peace on Earth and Goodwill Toward Men to be on our to do list for every day.
Love each other!
I love Christmas lights!
Life lessons not always so much. They do not rank neck in neck with Christmas lights even if I do later appreciate them. So last week I was sick. Something was "going around" evidently, and dropped in to visit me for a while. An unwanted visitor. But actually sometimes, the day after day, morning, noon and night schedule without let up can eventually create an open door for sickness which forces me to *ahem* rest. Perhaps better recognized as collapse.
So today I am thanking God I am much, much better! Up until this past Saturday night however, there was not one speck of Christmas decoration yet adorning our home.
There were and still are boxes of books lining the hallway waiting to be put away in a recently repaired room, which is waiting to be painted before putting in shelves, waiting to be purchased for the boxed books to be put away upon. Beds need to be set back up for family coming in for Christmas ect...Stuff to do stuff to do...
Last week mid recovering, I was picking up a prescription at the pharmacy and on the way home admiring the lights in the yard of a home when I noticed sneaking along in there with the admiration was envy. Maybe I should say "snaking" in there... I was jealous they were so well done and I had none... Suddenly I heard clearly in my spirit "Lea, I want you to BE the light". Yep even heard my name. Well then. Letting my light shine like the One Who came to be the Light of the World. (jealousy puts a bushel over it just so we know and as much as we try not to, we might just tend to do some comparison of who gets what and who gives what at Christmas...OK maybe I am just speaking for myself...but I don't think so)
None of this is a BAH Humbug on Christmas..I will still decorate and enjoy how my home is during this season. I will be happy to be giving and getting gifts. I love that I will have more of my family around for several days!!! I think it is still a beautiful time to magnify the LORD and what Christmas means for us all, the gift of God to us.
Yesterday was our Sunday to minister at one of our local Nursing Homes. Both my friend and my husband prompted me to share this little experience with the ladies and gentlemen who were attending that afternoon.
As I was telling my story, I started seeing each of us in the room as part of a string of Christmas lights. No not transfigured but each person representing a light...Ever had a string of lights where some just don't light up? Or maybe just one has gone out so the whole string stops lighting or half a string? I was seeing God wants each of us to be the light that shines in darkness. One itty, bitty Christmas light bulb doesn't do much on it own, but a whole bunch of itty, bitty lights strung together does, especially when they are connected to an outlet turned on. (Kind of like the vine and the branches theology Jesus talks about.) Don't under estimate your importance in the scheme of things. Your life matters. Your light shining matters. Your living for Him matters. Your words matter. Your loving others matters. Your joining and belonging to a church matters.
Have a very Merry Christmas and remember to be the light!