Who doesn't love the exhilaration of coasting downhill especially after an uphill climb? I even think I might I feel like I have earned the coast and want to take full advantage of it. Eventually though the bike, car, skateboard or what ever wheel type used at the moment runs out of power. It may even have enough of an edge to get me a start on the uphill in front of me or if no hill is there get me a decent stretch on the straight way but will not take me far.
Movement to be productive is intentional. Getting further ahead in life. Moving in the life God sets before me is an intentional choice. The law of entropy is the law that things tend to disorder rather than naturally fall into order. Anyone alive can see that by trying to take care of a living space!
What I found out was this: I was coasting on past knowledge and past experience with God. But I didn't catch on to that until I was required to step it up a bit by a daily Bible reading schedule to get me through the Bible in a year. Go figure! A Bible College wanting us to read the Bible diligently, daily, not just in a bite size verse a day.
Over 35 years of being a Christian I had packed in a lot of scripture and sermon material and teaching and devotional reading. That is all good as far as it goes. Over the 50 plus years of living I have also packed in plenty of food of various kinds but it seems my body requires more and is a real baby about it if I even indicate I will be skipping a meal or two.
Imagine my surprise when I discovered how much of the Word of God I had forgotten when I reluctantly began trying to meet this requirement. Yes I was a bit prideful actually not thinking this much daily reading was necessary or even do-able. The high of an awesome worship service and ministry time at church or a conference works a lot like a birthday party. So fun. So great. Many highlights and memories.
But that only takes us so far. Life needs maintenance in all kinds of ways that are not all fun but important just the same to keep it running well and heading toward the goals God gives us.
There is a scripture that is ringing around in me today that I had forgotten about and came up in my reading this week. It seems to fit what I am talking about.
If you have run with the foot men and they have wearied you, how then can you contend with horses? And if in the land of peace in which you have trusted, they wearied you, then how will you do in the floodplain of the Jordan? Jeremiah 12:5
If our strength is small contending with the small issues of life (and I do know there are wearisome issues but we have the Lord Almighty who is powerful and loves us and says He gives us power to overcome all the power of the enemy)...so if we are contending with smaller albeit difficult things in life and having a difficult time standing, HOW can we stand when life seems to fall apart if we have not been eating and exercising not only physically but spiritually? When life is tough and it takes all to maintain is the time we need a reserve built in us already to give us the power move us ahead, not coast to a stop.
Do you know what that place between the two sides of a hill is? A valley. It is hard to see a future in the valley. So fill up your spirits gas tank so you can get up the other side and to the place where you can see again.
This link will take you to some options for Bible reading Schedules. I will be honest I needed accountability and a schedule. There are some portions of scripture I would not have purposely read on my own. I was just too hit and miss with Bible reading not knowing where to begin or just picking a place to read or reading something about the Bible and leaving it at that. Honestly some days I do still miss or miss part of the days reading but I try to catch it back up if possible. This is not about rules, regulations and religion so no beating myself up over it. It is about feeding on the Word of Life.
So the link:
Blessings! Lea
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