My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth, He will not allow your foot to be moved; He who keeps Israel shall neither slumber not sleep. The Lord is your keeper; the Lord is the shade at your right hand. the sun shall not strike you by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord shall preserve you from all evil; He shall preserve your soul. The Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth, and even forevermore. Psalm 121
She remembered these words later. Later, after she awoke from her twixt sleep and not quite awake state of being in the early morning. She had seen herself quite clearly on the cliff of a mountain in a range of barren granite mountains. No trees. No water. Stone gray skies. Just the barren mountains. And she was in modern day clothing not a dress like this pioneer woman in the picture.
Something had dropped from her hand over the edge as she stood looking to the west over the place, sensing an unfriendly presence behind her that would push her over if it could. Tension hung thick in the air. Why was she here and what had fallen? Oddly enough it was a teddy bear she realized and as quickly as she recognized that she spun toward the east into a warrior stance with a sword in her hands to face her enemy. To engage him and to win. And that is when she came fully awake.
"It is time to lay aside childish things", she heard her Lord say.
"It is time to awaken from your slumber"
"Think it not strange the fiery darts of the wicked one but also know you can not put his darts out by childish means. You can not hang on to the things of children (unless it is a child like faith) and walk as a mature daughter of the King."
In the place of dream world and visions there were lessons to bring away to use in her everyday flesh and blood life. Spiritual armor firmly in place once again. Her disengagement from battle due blows dealt in the spirit and manifest in the natural had gone on far too long. It had made her lukewarm with weaponry dull from disuse. She had lost sight of her identity and purpose. She needed to hold to the recognition of her true enemy that ever seeks to steal, kill and destroy. Enough was really far too much given into his hands without a fight and she would once again be strategic in preventing his gaining any ground and begin recapturing those things he had stolen from her. She was a child no longer. Rather a woman of royal lineage whose weapons of warfare were not carnal but mighty through the authority God had entrusted her with to pull down strongholds. She was seeking re-enlistment to active duty.
Beautifully written! WOW!
ReplyDeleteThanks Nancy! I am wondering what happened to my picture that had posted with this previously...I have had that happen at a couple other posts too..hmm