This blog post really is more for the ladies, so sorry bout that to you guys who say you do read my stuff. I have been somewhat "missing in action" the past few months and hope to get on a more regular writing schedule again. Always trying to be real to life at least as it works in my little sphere, I will let you know I hit a place called Menopause or rather it hit me. I am trying to get through it as graciously and with as little damage to those around me as possible.
I think I will look into what women in other cultures do when in this phase of life but I think we should find a cool cave somewhere with a view. Just hide out until we can emerge happy and able to live with ourselves and people again in a civil manner. But assuming most of us have lives that are busy with people relying on us to help their lives function in a fairly steady, predictable way we do not have the liberty to remove ourselves for long. Let's face it, some women can not even remove themselves long enough for a short bathroom visit without children calling out to them outside the door. Wish I could see a show of hands on that experience.
I am never very certain how to put things out here in writing without making anyone who is part of my life's moments feel less loved so...Lets just start with fiery hot flashes surging in leaving me dripping with that oh so unattractive sweat and drying up what fruit of the spirit I had grown. We all know dehydrated fruit is a little more difficult to chew and swallow even though it is fruit for real. And when do I need the fruit known as patience more than when I am stressed out which is also when the trigger is pulled turning on that unwanted embarrassing heat wave faucet. Clothes stick to me. I have a liquid mustache. My hair rises to the occasion by its natural curl assuming non-style poof and frizz. My skin changes shades of red and I am just so hot I have to stop and remember it is probably me and not anyone else in the room dwelling in her own secret furnace that has its own thermostat set to go off at the most inconvenient times.
Well then what does Mickey Mouse have to do with any of this? Reasonable question. It is just now part of the daily routine in the span of my responsibilities. We have a beautiful, lively toddler as part of our household now. We also still have our own three youngest kids, two who are awesome teens, and one who is a hard working, in his twenties Daddy to above mentioned beautiful, lively toddler.
We also are the residence of two dogs and one cat which is admittedly rather small in number from our earlier part time farm. In those years we had lots of teens, pre-teens and preschoolers, 17 sheep, a cow, ducks, lots of chickens and roosters, a pony, a pig, a goat (oh don't get me started on my not so fond memories of her!) and two dogs and way too many outside cats. We generally have always had fish in a tank in one room or another and sometimes rodents called pets because we bought them and put them in enclosures with wheels to run in at night and finally birds, turtles, salamanders, frogs, lightning bugs. I draw the line at snakes and spiders. That was definitely a rabbit trail...
So some of the verses that brought some relief this week were from Isaiah 54:11 and started out "Oh you afflicted one, tossed with tempest, and not comforted" Really!?! "Afflicted one" Well yes that seems to fit.
"Tossed with tempest and not comforted"...Yes again.The whole chapter is worth reading and so valuable when we are going through hard times. God sees it and He has promises for us there. Further on it says "Behold I have created the blacksmith who blows the coals in the fire..." that made me smile because it sounds like menopause to me "Who brings forth an instrument for his work.." we will come through this and we will be useful in a way we never were before. Hoping you are all blessed this week by the best blesser of all..and stay cool!
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