and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? 1 Corinthians 3:16
God went to great length and detail in the design of His temple in Old Testament times. He had all sorts of people involved in different ways but He ultimately had some who were filled with skillful wisdom in the areas requiring the finer details of color and weaving and working with metals, wood and stone. The scripture above tells us we are the temple of God now. Scripture also tells us we are fearfully and wonderfully made. And we know He spared no expense in redeeming us.
This week I am drawing comparisons between our lives, the work of God in them and the process of refining precious jewels. Today I am looking at the process of cutting the stones into a glorious reflector of light. In our case reflectors of His light.
When we submit to His word, wisdom and ways we are yielding to being shaped carefully under His skillful hand. When a diamond, for example, is cut the depth of the cut and the angle and symmetry are all important for the stone to reflect brilliantly.
The lower picture of the above chart is a shallow cut stone. We could say we want to be sure our walk with God is not shallow. I was thinking this morning how it is possible to be saved from sin but still not walk with Jesus as my LORD. That is a shallow cut.
I am not too sure what application to make of the center cut except disobedience where our walk is on again off again or our character is not well developed so the reflection is not as broad or brilliant.
Then there is the "perfect cut" in all it's beauty. I don't know if anyone is a perfect walker with God no missteps (we do have Enoch who walked with God and then was not because God took him). But I do know His love covers a multitude of sins. I do know it is not my perfection that saves me but I also know my disobedience hacks away at my testimony.
I want to keep in mind obedience to Him. I want to be sensitive to His voice telling me "this is the way walk in it" book of Isaiah and I want to reflect Him to others around me so I want to yield to His skillful working. Be blessed today and shine!
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