The gem process we are looking at today is the purpose of heat. Not every stone has heat applied. Those that do, have different types, temperatures and length of time used according to the stone they happen to be. Heat helps to do a couple of things.
First of all it clarifies and brings out the color like in the picture above. The stone on the left is after heat was applied. Have you ever felt like you were going through the "fire" so to speak in the difficult trials in life? Is there a point? There is a promise that we will walk through the fire and not be burned Isaiah 43:2 (This isn't walking a bed of hot coals by the way). Remember the Hebrews Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego who refused to bow to the idol even though they would be thrown into the fiery furnace? Daniel 3 They came through without being singed or even the smell of smoke on them. And what's more there was "One like the Son of God" who joined them in the fire. We don't go through our fires alone. And in the end God is glorified and we display more of His glory ourselves. We get our "color"...
The second use of heat on gems is to "fill in cracks". That makes me think of the Holy Spirit filling me! Where I am weak, He is strong. He gives super to my natural! He also reveals the areas that need tightening up in my walk. The areas that need healing. And then goes about helping to make that happen. He is so indispensable to our walk with God yet is the quiet almost forgotten One in the Trinity. He is the promise Jesus spoke of when He was ascending to Heaven.
So today remember He never leaves you nor forsakes you. He is your comforter and teacher making Gods word alive and real in your life. Making life shine in your countenance. He will bring you through the fire.
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