As we remember, David was a worshipper who knew Who his God was and he remembered and spoke of the things God had done for him and through him in the past when he faced the giant Goliath. Wow! I am amazed at how he was not intimidated by the giant but spoke back to him about how he was going to take him down in the Name of the Lord! Those were fighting words for sure! Well Goliath asked for it. He started it! He just really didn't think he could be beaten. Sometimes we just need to remember the things God has already done for us and promises to still do then speak to our giants in the Name of Jesus, and do what God has equipped us to do. We are told we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but principalities and powers and rulers of wickedness in high places. Unfortunately they tend to use people to do their work against us.
My paraphrase of Habakkuk 3:17-19 (though please read it for real for yourself) is this:
Even when everything I set my hand to seems to come up empty at the moment and challenges me to my face, I WILL REJOICE IN THE LORD...He is my strength and will make my feet quick and sure like a gazelle ... to walk over the mountain set in my way..
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