I will rebuild you with stones of turquoise, your foundations with lapis lazuli.
I will make your battlements of rubies, your gates of sparkling jewels,
and all your walls of precious stones." from Isaiah 54:11-12
My experience in my walk with Jesus (much to my initial surprise) has had various types of affliction. I am not complaining about my life, just so you know. I am not looking for sympathy or an outlet to feel sorry for myself either. But sometimes like it says in 1 Peter 1
In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed...
We aren't supposed to think it's strange either when we encounter these fiery trials! During those times I want to say like the Psalmist did "my heart is fixed (set) trusting in the LORD, I shall not fear when evil tidings come".from psalm 112
There does come a time though for the promise of being be set or established and rebuilt with foundations of precious stones.
So today we are ready to see the stone set. Sometimes stones are just kept aside until they chosen to be put into use. Sometimes a group of stones are used together in a setting. Sometimes the use is solitary in a simple ring. Or it may be solitary in a specially wrought work of silver or gold. There are many ways and many purposes for a stone to be displayed. It could be a ring that is worn everyday signifying engagement or a family or organization I am part of. Could be earrings or necklaces and bracelets. Could be for very special occaisions only and seldom shown off... However they are to be used, they are "set" to be useful.
Much of the time we have an inkling of what we think we are called to be or do for the LORD. And then begins the process and all we have spoken of this week until God is ready to fully establish us. So enters the season of wondering if I even heard from God and if I did what in the world is going on with me and my life?!? Even though we have seen Him use our lives in many ways and known His hand on our lives the separation, preparation and process can make us feel forgotten.
But now in the setting phase we are matured more and will bring more forth in our lives. Don't get weary of process. Don't worry if you feel put aside a while. Seek Him and He will be found of you. Trust Him, you are not forgotten and discarded. The day will come where you will hear "Ready, get set... GO!"
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