Wow, I would open my mouth and out would shoot words with a sharp edge. If I could have not spoken to people for a while...(I don't want to be mute honest! But I could have used a built in mute button)
I remember one morning getting kids ready for school, saying to my son, "you know that proverb about a crabby woman being like a constant dripping (does this refer to water torture-just a thought)? Well I am sorry. I feel like I have been like that." He casually said "Mom, you have been a thunderstorm!"
So it was a couple of non stop weeks so filled that I was taxed and maxed in all ways. But what does that tell me? It tells me something about priorities needing to be put in order. It tells me that God the Creator of all the Universe and everything in it, knowing how everything works best took a rest on the 7th day and declared we should too so He just might really mean what He said.
It takes active participation to not let things encroach our space. It might be weeds, dust, people, pets, illness, things, work demands, ministry. It isn't all bad stuff. We just need to have it prioritized and leave some R&R time. Of course people needing me makes me feel loved and useful and is better than the alternative of loneliness and no people or the inability to even be mobile. I have to realize the universe may not stop running without my feet constantly running, but eventually my little world around me will stop running well, and so will I, if I don't pace myself better.
So that crankiness and impatience even though we don't want to live in that place, might just be an indication of taking time for better scheduling and prioritizing (and dare I say it some time for you). Someone once told me "Lea, God made you a human being not a human doing". Hard for someone whose bent is acts of service to wrap her mind around.
Find some time for rest today. Carve those moments. Snatch them as gifts from God who is smiling on you today and loves you enough to want you to enjoy abundant life...