Have you ever wondered what the value of rubies would be? I admire jewelry but haven't been much of a purchaser frankly. So I looked it up. Online. I love being able to do that!
Rubies are the world’s most expensive gemstones, the best Burmese rubies being valued more than an equivalent-sized flawless diamond.1 The world record paid at auction for a ruby is U.S. $3.63 million in 1988 for a 15.97 carat Burmese ruby (U.S. $227,300 per carat). (By comparison, a 62 carat flawless diamond recently sold for just over U.S. $8 million, or U.S. $130,000 per carat.)
from report by
Seems like something I should pay attention to then. God does not say He will lavish me with rubies but delights in giving me something far more valuable than that! He tells me the "fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom". Remember the treasure hunt I would send my kids and their friends on? There was a place to start. So our place to start is with the fear of the LORD. Something that seems to be missing in many places now a days. Its that recognition of honor and reverence due to the Most High who made all things including me and knows how it should all work.
Some of the outcomes of wisdom walking are length of days, riches, honor, peaceful paths, pleasantness, a tree of life, happiness, grace, safety,sweet sleep, freedom from fear of sudden terror or trouble from the wicked because my confidence is in the LORD.
You know I really can't buy all those things. There are things that promise they can give one or another of them maybe. For instance, new shoes do make me happy for a while!! They won't keep me safe though. They won't prolong my life. They might give me a touch of status but not really honor and there is no guarantee they will keep me safe on my path. I can hope to walk gracefully in them but they won't bring grace overall. They may carry me to my occupation and home again and be an asset to my business wardrobe but they really won't make me money. Maybe I will fall asleep with a smile over my new shoes but can not promise me peaceful sleep.
We are told in scripture that in quietness and confidence He will be our peace. That joy in Him is our strength.We are told above it is wisdom that makes us secure. I don't believe God is opposed to our having things but rather to things having us by the way. I don't think we should hide ourselves in our things but in the shelter of the Most High. I think if we are going to hoard or stock pile things they should be hoarded in the heavenly realm. Yet I do think there is common sense financially to be used while we are here on earth. But even that is from wisdom! So then let's keep seeking, knocking and asking. He promised it to us after all.
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