...As a ring of gold in a swine's snout, so is a lovely woman who lacks discretion... proverbs 11:22
All of us know of people who are lovely on the outside but quite the opposite inside which naturally shows itself in how they behave. Scripture tells us it is as absurd as putting something fine, pure and precious in the nose of an animal that smells, rolls in muck and and eats garbage. We tend to be pretty distant overall from the process of the meats we eat, assuming we are meat eaters that is, but there was a phase when our kids were young that we had a "pet pig". It was a surprise for one of our daughters who just happened to really, really, really want one. Since we lived in an area that allowed for farm animals, we secretly prepared a pen. Her Daddy, 2 two of her brothers and their friend went off to the Lake County fair to secure a piglet. By the time they got home with the "prize" they all had headaches from the smell while traveling in the van with a pig in a box. You know piglets grow up, get big and stay messy. Piercing the nose of that pig and putting fine jewelry in it would be the last thing we would think of doing! Our pretty, sterile pictures of how things will be, so many times get blown away by real life.
We also know people who the world doesn't consider to be airbrushed pretty but there is something captivating about them. They sparkle and have qualities about them that attract us to them. We trust them and like to be around them. They live the saying "pretty is as pretty does".
I kind of think our appearance is a picture frame to our life. It adds to our life the way a frame adds to a picture displayed on a wall. It isn't the picture but an enhancement to it. A frame that is gorgeous does not make an ugly picture prettier really. It is simply a gorgeous frame. Carrying that just a bit further. I can be a sweet person but dress inappropriately for occasions framing my life in a way that detracts from the picture or sends a wrong message about who I am.
I am not a person that thinks we should dress from another century where women wear dresses only, never wear makeup, or cut their hair. God placed us uniquely in this generation. I still believe in modesty however and think we can find style that's fresh, fun, attractive and not lust provoking.
A gracious woman will conduct herself with kindness, respect and sensitivity. Basically the fruit of the Spirit. I know I miss the mark on that sometimes. I have my times I want to excuse as menopausal moodies or PMS peevishness, childcare crankiness...Frankly sometimes those are legitimate mood altering experiences but what I do with the fallout matters. Do I repent? Do I look to restore and recover not just the situation but put myself in a place where I can regroup and regain strength and composure? Yeah not always perfect with all that either but it is a heart goal and those are the things that build graciousness and discretion in our lives. Have a blessed weekend! Remember you are a blessing!
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