Well here I am having not finished yesterday to post and today is promising to be busy too. I heard a great message today as I was coming home from taking Lily to school. It was about not making "friends with our storms". You know not hanging out with them but hanging out with Jesus instead, the One Who takes us through them and speaks to them and they stop. Usually the storm is designed to make us stop as we are on our way to where He has us going. It was a timely and encouraging word. So back to where I left off yesterday:
What do you suppose the purpose of Wisdom's pillars would be? And why seven? Honestly I am not that deep of a Bible Scholar but do like to check out the background for things and meaning of words. In Isaiah 11:2 are found the following seven things that would rest upon Jesus. The Spirit of the LORD, the Spirit of wisdom, understanding, of counsel, of might, of knowledge and fear of the LORD.
While columns or pillars may be decorative, a pillars purpose is to bear and help spread the weight of the structure above to other structural elements below. They may even be designed to resist the stressful conditions of earthquake or winds. Anyone dealing with some things feeling like too much weight, or maybe storms or earthshifting lately?
Revelation 3:11-12a says "Behold I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown. He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God..."
Heavenly Father, today I pray not just for me but those I love, those who take time to be reading these words, those who love you and who YOU LOVE SO MUCH...Father may the above 7 things that rested upon Jesus rest on us today. May they be strong pillars in our life that keep us upright and standing, bearing things that are ours to bear. Let the storms take the things that are not designed to be part of our structures and what is from You remain strong. Our foundation is in You and You are NEVER shaken. You are always with us. Thank You. We love You. Amen
If you get a chance to read Proverbs 10 please do. I am not commenting on it today. Be blessed! You are a blessing!
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