There is of course not normally a physical crown delivered to us by exalting wisdom but there is something of glory that rests on us when we walk in wisdom. That was recognized in Josephs life when he was a young man even though he didn't seem to live in honorable conditions what with being sold by his brothers to be a slave and later falsely accused of going after Potiphars wife then getting thrown into prison. What he did was to continue to walk uprightly. To conduct himself wisely when he had every opportunity to become bitter and mean. In time (it seems like it took a very long time) he was elevated to second in command in Egypt, just under the Pharoh himself. He was used in a strategic position to preserve two nations; Israel and Egypt...His legacy lives on. We speak of him today and use his life as an example of how to live well to make right and wise choices when everything seems to be against us.
Proverbs 4:6-9 says of wisdom
Do not forsake her, and she will preserve you;
Love her, and she will keep you.
Wisdom is the principal thing;
Therefore get wisdom.
And in all your getting, get understanding.
Exalt her, and she will promote you;
She will bring you honor, when you embrace her.
She will place on your head an ornament of grace;
A crown of glory she will deliver to you.
I just wonder what would happen if we begin making a practice of asking for wisdom every day if we haven't been already. To begin recognizing our need for it and crying out for it- every day.
King Solomon saw his need for wisdom above all other things and God honored him by his request for it. Most of the writings in Proverbs are from Solomon and even though I realize I have been reading it as a mom talking to her son, it really is wise father leaving wise instruction written for his son to refer to time and again so it's not just words in one ear and out the other.
They can be taken into his heart.
God bless you with wisdom this weekend. Be blessed!
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