Late this morning as I sat eating left over KFC chicken and coleslaw for a brunch sort of thing, I read a devotional book I had not used before. I love to read and eat at the same time. So I opened not to the beginning but pretty much to the middle and noticed the devo's I happened to be reading included references to food among other things. Naturally I thought about what I was eating compared to some of the recipes in the book. Not stellar really.
Then I came across one written by Sheila Walsh in story form about a little boy who always took the lunch his mom made him each day but many times didn't eat it and his thoughts about why his mom was always trying to get him to eat something. That right there struck home because as my kids are growing I am like that. Looking for the right meal or snack to get some nutritious something into them to help them grow strong and healthy. And I find that while they eat some of what I send to school, sometimes it just gets shared at the table with the kids they are eating with. Like the boy who gave his lunch up to Jesus that day when he heard food was needed. Maybe he didn't like fish. Maybe he captured the essence of Jesus and His words and wanted to just be helpful. But Jesus took that little bit that in our natural eyes was FAR,FAR SHORT of what the situation called for and made it MORE THAN ENOUGH...such an amazing miracle! Have you ever had that happen? Someone coming by around dinner time and you only have so much but you ended up with leftovers anyway? It's the end of the month and creative cooking is called for and you end up with a recipe idea that gets made from whatever is on hand that is so good you know you will use it again?
Sheila tied this together with the words "...Too often we miss the point as daughters of the King. We look at what we have to offer, and it is clear to us that it's not enough so we hold back. Yet the fact that we don't have enough is the whole point. We are given the outrageous invitation to partner with the King of kings as he lavishes his love and grace on this earth. God uses little boys lunches and women's conferences and a few words spoken in kindness- and through these simple vessels, he changes the world.
Whatever you have today is enough. It might not look like it to you but put into Jesus's hands, it is more than enough."
I needed that today! I hope it helps you too.
I will adapt her prayer. Father, You take little and make it much. You make it more than enough. I give You my life today and ask You to meet needs with it. Take my words, take my talents that seem incomplete and use them how You choose. Don't let me look so much at how big the giants in my circumstances are and decide I can do nothing much so why do anything at all. It is in You I live and move and have my being and You make giants look like a speck of dust. Here I am Lord. Use me.
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