If a Rose by any other name smells as sweet doesn't the opposite hold true also? As in a skunk by any other name still stinks when spraying.
This has to do with words and attitude AGAIN! Shouldn't I have improved in this by now? I was better in my early days even if it was from a misguided concept that submission meant I did not express my opinion and preferences.Why is it that I think my opinion is so right anyway? Or that it needs to be spoken all the time. And who made me judge of the intents of anothers heart and motive? Oh I know we can discern stuff and the word of God is a plumb line and does show the intents of our hearts. But isn't that just it tonight? I need it to show the intents of my OWN heart first and foremost.
Here is a bit of the behind the scenes on this. Have you ever had someone in passing hear just a snatch of what you were saying or doing and determine something about you from just that snatch? Well I think I had that happen to me tonight. Ouch. Someone overheard a kitchen conversation (not their fault they couldn't help but hear from the other room). What they could not know however was for part of what was happening even though the voices sounded harsh (all over a hamburger mind you of all the crazy things) there was really pantomime,teasing and exaggerated hand motions going on through that bit of what sounded like evil rebellious arguing. Then there were a couple comments made on another topic which were judgemental frankly and I am ashamed of that. However what could not be known again to the casual listener was the long history in our lives that would have pricked such a sharp, albeit, brief remark.
All I can say, well obviously I am saying alot, but I think this is an area God is really dealing with me on. To the point of " am I behaving in such a way as to represent Him even in the privacy of my home?" Just what does that mean? Representing Him well. Does it mean I never mess up or now that I have a Savior I never do anything I need saving from ever again? And the person I was party to making a carelessly harsh remark about has really been making progress honestly and I think I need to watch out that I don't become like the Prodigal son's big brother- the one who did every thing "right"- but forgive. Or the pharisee who was saying to God "I thank You God I am not like that sinful tax collector over there. Let me show you my list of good things, religious things I do. I carry a copy in my purse along with the pictures of my kids and grandkids and hang another copy on my wall in a lovely frame so every one can see including You God. That way every one who comes around will know how Christian I am" And there we see calling a skunk a rose does not make it smell like one...and I want to be a person who carries the fragrance living life for Jesus brings, not just try to cover a skunky attitude with a temporary fragrance spray.
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