Not being a Father or even a man I am speculating a bit on this one. How proud God must have been to have a son so willing to go the distance and do it well. This was a life and death matter. His son laying aside his own life and royal heavenly home for years to accomplish something that would benefit many for many more years.
He knew how His son would be recieved and then betrayed by those who He was sent to be a gift to. He didn't have any better way than to give His best-Jesus- to let people know Who He was, how much He cared for them and to purchase them back from sin and Satans cruel captivity. Jesus said to His followers "if you see me, you see the Father" because he did what he saw his Father doing. He imitated his dad. Healing, forgiving,
loving, removing demonic oppression, walking, eating, rebuking stubborn religious leaders, teaching by his very life, inviting others to join the Father's household with him. People wanted to hang out with him.
What I see also though in the Father's walk is one of the greatest strategies for an April Fools joke ever pulled. I am taking a bit of liberty here with this I know. Think of this, all along God knew the devil knew that He, God the Father and this righteous one named Jesus were up to something! See the devil doesn't know everything but wants us to think he does. He figured he had to get rid of this Jesus fellow since he hadn't been able to have him killed as a child when Herod was on a baby killing spree to protect his throne from the newborn who was to become king someday. And he couldn't trip him up and make him sin ever. All he knew was Jesus was making waves and disturbing his demonic kingdom and may be the one the prophecies were talking about. Maybe he thought the prophecies were meaning a physical here on earth king taking over. Any way he was definately in the stirring up of the pharisees against Jesus to put him to death.
Pretty easy to do since they were a power hungry group for the most part. The scripture says in 1 Corinthians 2:7-8 if he (the devil) being a ruler of this world had known what God had planned, he would have never had Jesus put to death! And that my readers, was the awesome trick the Father played on the devil. The very death, burial and resurrection of His magnificent Son Jesus is the thing that is the salvation of mankind! It is the ultimate demise of Satan who now knows his time is very short so is trying to whip up all kinds of trouble if we as God's people will let him. Those who think of God as stuffy or mean or just a crutch or untouchable have got it wrong. Read the life of His son and when you see Jesus, you will see the picture of God Almighty who wants to be your Father.
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