My first real introduction to this block of scripture was my not yet husband sitting next to me on the couch at my parents doing a bible study together. I was newly saved (just a few months into geting a handle on the New Creature in Christ walk and renewing my mind) and he had been into this thing for years now. Flipping open to Proverbs 31 and handing it to me to read, he seriously said "This is what I want in a wife". Has anyone else ever been overwhelmed (alright intimidated) by the job description of this Superwoman? Knowing myself as I did, I secretly thought but didn't speak the words by any means,"You are going to have to look somewhere else..." And here we are going on 33 years of marriage.
Let me ask you this. Did any of you ever buy a coat or a pair of shoes just a bit too big for your kids because you knew they would be growing into them (and hoped for a little more use what with the cost and all)? I think lots of times God does that with a call or position we are to fill. The "coat or shoes" He gives us feel slightly too big. Maybe even way too big. But God knows we will grow into it.
These days my husband tells me off and on that I fit the description. It has taken years and I still don't spin wool or sell belts in the market or have a house of servants to command. But one thing I get is that it is not a snap shot of one moment in this womans life. It is a progressive movement through seasons in her life...
She is obviously to the point of having grown children who "get it" now. Who may even have their own kids they are doing for and they bless her deliberate, loving, efforts in their lives. (No you are older now and that bathing suit is too skimpy...pick your clothes up off your floor...if you miss the trash can, pick it up...I am not the only one here who wanted a dog...unload the dishwasher...do your homework... brush your teeth...yes you do have to go to church...even "because I said so"...*sigh*...all makes sense now).
Uniquely fitted for the generation we are born in, our superwoman days have all kinds of things crammed in. If you are a parent too you are fitting those things in between carpooling like a jig-saw puzzle some times. Grocery shopping, Dr visits, pharmacy, school, work, watching movies with kids or husband, making sure the kids are fed and clothed, laundry, pets, delegation, driving lessons, haircuts, grandchildren, yard work, cleaning in general, volunteer work and so on. And the pieces don't always want to fit where I want. And then I am handed another piece to fit in just as I think I've got it balancing pretty well. Nope they are definately not all crisis moments but too many "goods" can lead to a crisis...
I think that was one of the intriguing things in proverbs 31. This woman handled it all without any show of crisis! She smiled at the future so she definately trusted God and balanced her priorities.That's where I want to be. I believe it is possible. Today I listed all my "obligations" and committments and realized NO WONDER I DONT FEEL LIKE WONDERWOMAN! Definately need some scaling back especially since so much seems to take me to doing things that take alot of hours and is primarily not for my family.
Don't get me wrong. I love what I find myself doing for others essentially in my mind "for the LORD" but also find it leaves me drained even as it gives a sense of satisfaction because I feel affirmed by doing something that ties into my giftings. So now I am in that pondering/praying mode (ok maybe I am still pondering more than praying at this point). What do I let go of? What do I keep?
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