Did you ever get to where the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus almost became more religion than real in your life? Sometimes I think about that in my life. The walk is kind of on auto pilot and the things I do "in the Name of Jesus" and for Him and His purposes take on a common feel. Out of a place of habit maybe rather than awe for Who He is and what He has done for me. Since I am always feeling the need to explain myself I will say here, there are habits that are good to have so I am not knocking developing habits.
Last night I watched the Passion of Christ. The one produced by Mel Gibson that had a success that took Hollywood by surprise. It naturally refreshed some things in me that needed some refreshing. You would have to be a hard pressed stone hearted person to not be moved by the movie and the truth behind it. Now if you are getting mad at me - don't - just watch it and see for yourself!
So many things were happening in me as the movie unfolded. I remembered first of all why I love Him so much! The words scourged and whipped took on life and pain and a fresh realization that it was my sin not just everyones sin in a general impersonal sanitary way that He endured for.
Several angles stood out to me. Last night I was thinking of His mother's walk. His real down to earth chosen by God Mom who had mom feelings. His mom who counted His fingers and toes and planted kisses on them and being Jewish probably didn't play this little piggie but surely played toddler games with him. Who had to move just to protect him from would be life takers. Who knew His favorite foods and tucked him in at night. Who made sure He had clothes and sandles that fit and were cleaned. Who reminded Him to wash up and do His chores. Who searched for Him when he turned up missing as a 12 year old. (If she could misplace her son that certainly eases the mind of any mother with a known escape artist for a child or with a momentary lapse of awareness in the hustle of the days activities)
His mom who had been given the amazing announcement that she was CHOSEN by God Creator of herself and of the universe to be the vessel who would be pregnant with and mom to His Son by an overshadowing of the Holy Spirit causing her - a virgin to conceive this miraculous child.
There were some awkward moments about this naturally and isn't it something that what we think might be awkward wasn't a stumbling block to God? Like she was "betrothed" to Joseph. A bit different than our idea of engagement here in our culture. She was still a virgin yet essentially married to him just in a period of waiting for a few things to be put into place before she could have the final steps taken that would allow her to go home with him and fully be his wife in every sense of the word. Now how was she to explain this to him? This was a huge area to trust God in. A big area to "Fear not" in. She knew she had seen an angel but who else would believe her? Especially once it was known she was pregnant and not with Joseph's baby either. Obviously God was in the details and she wasn't supposed to fret.
She went to stay with her cousin who was also pregnant now in her own amazing miracle as the angel had also told her would be the case in her own prophetic circumstances who then began to prophesy to Mary reafirming the angels news and letting her know in that way God has her and whatever is important about her reputation covered.
Then God not leaving Joseph out of the loop either has an angel visitation for him with instructions about Mary and her baby and how he is to take her as his wife not divorce her because really God chose him also.
There were other prophetic words along the way about Jesus to Mary from other people and we are told Mary "kept these things and pondered them in her heart". I believe they came flooding back in full force as she watched her Son carry the cross on his beaten back. And in that moment the prophetic word she had been given about a sword piercing her own heart was more real than any of us ever want to know.
Can I just venture something here though without seeming like I am irreverent? Is there any mother out there who could not say she has tasted the sword in some measure as she raised her children? Those are children who we want to say are perfect but know they may mess up a little bit sometimes and some kids a whole lot and we treasure them anyway. Is there anyone of us mothers who have had children ridiculed or bullied or terribly sick or struggling with something and died a bit inside ourselves from the pain of our child and don't we stick with them?
Mary stuck with Jesus through the bitter death on the cross. Through people mocking, beating and betraying her son. Jesus looked at her from the cross and looked out for her from the cross. In the midst of his anguish He assigned one of His dearest followers to care for her as his own mother and for her to look to that one as her own son. She had other sons mind you but this disciple followed Him to deaths door with Mary. Those little baby hands and feet she had cherished. Those little toddler hands that held her hands and chubby toddler feet that perhaps stood upon hers in a dance or learning to walk. The feet that learned to take the strides of a man out distancing her steps walking the countryside to share just Who God really is and the hands that grasped a hammer surely but also reached to heal broken and sick people that many others refused to even touch. Those were the hands outsretched on the beam of the cross held in place by large nails. Those were the feet pierced for our transgressions. She had to trust and fear not that God surely had a plan, a last overcoming final word yet to be said in spite of her pain. And we know He did!!! Her sorrow was turned to dancing when Jesus rose from the grave triumphant and glorified securing our salvation when we believe He did it for our sins to be forgiven. So thankful for Gods plan and salvation by His faithful son Jesus. And so thankful for a mother that trusted enough for her Son to follow Gods plan for Him.
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