I know I can look at the past and see where wrong turns were made, with me making my own fair share of them, but isn't GOD BIGGER than all that? Yes, of course He is! He is the author of grace- which means unmerited favor. The favor I do not earn for myself. He is also LOVE. He is also the One who tells me to cast my cares on Him because He cares for me. And He supplies all my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. He is my peace.
Yet my life was not matching these heart held declarations. Enter the piece of the message we heard this morning by Joseph Prince. Among many things he said was this one that lept to my ears and heart. A leader is formed, a ministry is birthed, in the crucible of fiery trials. That gave me hope. (Not allowance to make excuses for anything we may need to take responsibility for, but hope all the same.)
Definitions of crucible (n)
1.container for melting something: a heat-resistant container in which ores or metals are melted
2.bottom of furnace: the hollow part at the bottom of a furnace where molten metal collects
Most of us have been fire walkers at one time or another, of one sort of fire or another. One of my problems tends to be going through a trial and finally getting through it by applying God tools from His holy toolbox (Bible) then putting that tool away thinking I will never need to use it again. These have been the days of needing every tool I ever needed to learn to use.
Did I learn to speak in faith? I must do that now.
Did I learn to agree in prayer with others and the word of God? I must do that now.
Did I learn to give thanks in everything? I must do that now.
Did I learn God will never leave me or forsake me? I must still trust that truth.
Did I learn to pray in the Spirit? I must continue.
Did I learn to take God given authority over demonic strategies and do not wrestle with flesh and blood? I must do that now.
Did I learn I am hidden in Christ my hiding place? I must realize that still.
Did I learn I to put on the armor of God? I must wear it still.
Did I learn to not be surprised by the fiery trials which are to try me? I must not be surprised then.
Did I learn it is the plan of satan to steal, kill, destroy, devour, lie? I must be aware of his strategies.
Did I learn no weapon formed against me will prosper? I must believe that now.
Did I learn when I lie awake at night troubles overwhelming me, to pray then for my neighbors? I must pray for them knowing I am not the only one with difficulties.
Did I learn all things may not be good but will, by God, work together for my good? I must still trust that.
Did I learn God promises to give me wisdom? I must ask then trust He is giving it.
Did I learn that I must forgive as I am forgiven? I must forgive those who offend me.
Did I learn that having done all to stand, then STAND? Then I will by Gods grace STAND still and see the salvation of the LORD.
Well I didn't plan to go into all that, but what I was thinking on my way home was about swords and plowshares. Before a plowshare can be used in the land, the land has to first be taken. What is the land you are being moved to possess? Is it the life of a child? Is it your home? Your finances? Your business or ministry? Is it a neighborhood or city or nation? Is it your own broken heart or spirit? Your health? Your marriage?
There is first warfare involved in taking the land. We have to clear away the presence of the enemy who has no right to our land, but doesn't care and will take it unless we stop him. Take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God. It isn't just a book of words to read. It is living, active and powerful!
So while we may be past the actual warfare, and "own" the land, it doesn't prepare itself, nor plant itself, nor cultivate itself and keep itself weedfree, insect free and pruned. I have tired myself out just thinking about all that while writing that sentence! We also have to have boundaries to keep predators out.
In the end though, it is worth it. In the end we have something to bless ourselves and others. We have satisfaction. We have fruit for our effort. We have partnered in bring forth life that endures!
I the God of Israel, will not forsake them, I will open rivers in desolate hieghts and fountains in the midst of the valleys, I will make the wilderness a pool of water, and the dry land springs of water. Isaiah 41:18 NKJ
Just a few references:
Peace- Isaiah 26:3,12
Trials and Refined as Silver-Isaiah 48:10, I Peter 1:6-9, James 1:2-4
Hidden in Christ- Colossians 3: 2-3
Never Separated from His love-Romans 8:31-39, Hebrews 13:5-6, Isaiah 41: 9-13
God working things together for good- Romans 8:28, Jeremiah 29:11-14
Weapons, warfare and armor-Ephesians 6:10-20, Isaiah 54:17, Luke 10: 18-20
Wisdom- James 1:5-7
Forgiveness-Matthew 6:12-14, Ephesians 1:7
Swords into plowshares-Isaiah 2:4, Micah 4:3 and this one is just the opposite; it speaks of turning plowshares into swords Joel 3:10